Faith Ringgold is an artist, author, and activist. She was born and raised in Harlem, New York in the 1930s. Her artistic career began in the turbulent times of the late 1960s and early 70s. Today, she is best known for her painted story quilts, art that combines painting, quilted fabric, and storytelling. Her mother and grandmother promoted African-American culture and she had many wonderful role models as neighbors such as stateswoman and activist Mary McLeod Bethune, artist and painter Aaron Douglass, and musicians and singers Duke Ellington, and Dinah Washington.
Ms. Ringgold expresses her family and childhood stories in her artwork and collaborated with her mother and grandmother to sew fabric borders around her paintings. Her method was a unique departure from the conventional way of stretching the canvas fabric over wooden frames as most painters did at the time. Ms. Ringgold most always imbues her paintings with images emblematic of racist and sexist issues. Throughout her career, she’s often confronted with these issues and has usually created obstacles for her and other artists over time. Her work combines with her folk-inspired style, aspects of modern and contemporary paintings, as well as elements of Abstract Expressionism, and Pop art. She continues to create artwork and fights in the struggle to reconcile the current political and economic inequality that confronts women and people of color.
Read More | Questions to Consider
What symbols or images does she use often in her work, what is a reoccurring theme?
What moods does she create in her works? What elements help to create the mood in the paintings?
What do you feel is most important to Ringgold?
What are the distinguishing features of Ringgold’s work?
Can you list the various components or parts of Ringgold’s quilts?
How would you prioritize the different images you gathered for your quilt?
How would you organize elements within a composition to create a story or theme?
What way would you design a story or a theme using the images you gathered?
How do the skills developed in the previous projects help develop the new illustration?
What are the parts or features of your quilt that add to the story?
How would you organize the various elements so that all the items fit together to make a balanced whole?
Taking Flight / An Interview with Faith Ringgold from Institute for Women’s Leadership
Faith Ringgold is a celebrated children’s book writer who has written numerous children’s books that have become classic children’s literature. Her books express her ideas, memories, and feelings about growing her and her family, and up in New York city. Themes that are important to her in her artwork are featured prominently and reoccur throughout her artistic career. Watch this brief video of Ringgold discussing her experience as a black woman striving to make artwork in a difficult and prejudiced art world environment and see how she strives to overcome the obstacles presented to her. Her motto is, “If One Can Anyone Can All You Gotta Do Is Try.”
Project Tutorial | Patterned Collage
For this project you’ll need to generate five to seven patterns by exploring and applying the pattern and texture tools that you will find by internet. Gather a variety of rich and colorful patterns and save them to your devise. The following tutorial shows you how to combine pattern images together using Sumo Paint, to begin search and save large patterns of images that you will combine in a multilayered image computer graphics program like Photoshop or Sumo Paint.

Sumopaint Explore the different effects that can be
created with using the different settings and colors
provided. Demonstrate your ability to use common
design tools like paint brushes, color pallets, and combine
and manipulate images.
Project Tutorial | Silent Actress Collage
Composition;n. 1. Arrangement of artistic elements so as to form a unified whole.
Color Harmony;n. 1. A grouping of colors based on relationships between the colors on the color wheel.
Depth;n. 1. the amount of space in a picture.
Juxtapose;v. 1. to place side by side, especially for comparison or contrast.
Pattern;n. 1. repetition of shapes, lines, colors, or forms.
Space;n. the feeling of depth in a picture.
Shape;1. the outward form of an object defined by an outline.

Metropolitan Museum of Art
Thematic Essay: Modern Story Tellers, Romare Bearden,
Jacob Lawrence, and Faith Ringgold.

Faith Ringgold Will Keep Fighting Back.
New York Times interviews Faith Ringgold
about her work and the turbulent issues of the day.

Learn More | The National Core Arts Standards
VA:Cr1.1.HSI Use multiple approaches to begin creative endeavors.
VA:Cr1.2.HSI Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present-day life using a contemporary practice of art or design.
VA:Cr2.1.HSI Engage in making a work of art or design without having a preconceived plan.
VA:Cr3.1.HSI Apply relevant criteria from traditional and contemporary cultural contexts to examine, reflect on, and plan revisions for works of art and design in progress.
VA:Pr.4.1.HSI Analyze, select, and curate artifacts and/or artworks for presentation and preservation.
VA:Pr5.1.HSI Analyze and evaluate the reasons and ways an exhibition is presented.
VA:Re7.1.HSI Hypothesize ways in which art influences perception and understanding of human experiences.
VA:Re7.2.HSI Analyze how one’s understanding of the world is affected by experiencing visual imagery.
VA:Re9.1.HSI Establish relevant criteria in order to evaluate a work of art or collection of works.
VA:Cn10.1.HSI Document the process of developing ideas from early stages to fully elaborated ideas.
VA:Cn11.1.HSI Describe how knowledge of culture, traditions, and history may influence personal responses to art.
¹ Source: National Women’s History Project. www.nwhp.org., Retrieved 11/01/13
² Faith Ringgold: Artist and Activist, http://www.makers.com/faith-ringgold, Makers.com, Retrieved 11/01/13
³ Timpane, P. An Interview with Faith Ringgold, 05/03/2010, Institute for Women’s Leadership Retrieved 02/21/2017.
ƒ Kathrin Kuhn, katherinkuhn.com, Retrieved 02/06/18