Eric Carle was an artist and children’s book writer who is most famous for his book, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? He created his work by collaging colored paper that he created from painting large pieces of paper with different patterns and textures. He would use the painted pages to construct the animals by collaging the pieces of paper for the different parts of the animal together. In this lesson you will create a series of animal drawings and explore painting and collage methods similar to how Eric Carle created his art.

I can sketch the shapes of an animal by lightly scratching the paper with my pencil.

Puedo dibujar las formas de un animal raspando ligeramente el papel con mi lápiz.

I can draw an animal by drawing basic shapes to show the different parts of the animal.

Puedo dibujar un animal dibujando formas básicas para mostrar las diferentes partes del animal.

I can improve my sketch by outlining and darkening the lines that best show the animal.

Puedo mejorar mi boceto delineando y oscureciendo las líneas que mejor muestran al animal.

I can detail my drawing by adding the small parts of the animal to my drawing.

Puedo detallar mi dibujo agregando las partes pequeñas del animal a mi dibujo.

I can pattern my drawing by adding repeating lines, shapes or designs to my drawing.

I can color my drawing by carefully and slowly filling the shapes with even strokes of color.
Puedo colorear mi dibujo rellenando cuidadosa y lentamente las formas con trazos uniformes de color.

I can keep a clean paint set and desk area by rinsing my brush out before changing colors, not mixing colors in the set and painting to the edge of the paper.
Puedo mantener limpio el juego de pintura y el área del escritorio enjuagando mi pincel antes de cambiar de color, sin mezclar colores en el juego y pintando hasta el borde del papel.

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