Perspective is a technique used by artists and designers to show three dimensional objects on a flat surface. It was began to develop prior to the Renaissance by artists and architects to depict buildings in a more realistic way. It is based on the understanding that as objects go back into space they appear to get smaller. To decide how much smaller the objects need to be, perspective uses lines that come together to a vanishing point, called converging lines. One point perspective is used to show the interior of a room, In the painting titled, The Last Supper, by Leonardo da Vinci, Leonardo uses 1 point perspective to show the interior of a room, all the lines going back into space come together at a single vanishing point. Here, Leonardo draws the windows in the background smaller than the windows in the foreground. Study the windows on the sides of the scene, notice how the tops of each window line up with each other and are angled downward towards a single vanishing point. Study the pattern on the ceiling and notice that lines that appear to back into space converge at the vanishing point.

Da_Vinci_LastSupper_linesLeonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper, 1498

Two Point perspective is similar to 1 point perspective except that there are two vanishing points. Two point perspective is used to show two sides of a building or structure when viewed from outside. In the picture below, artist Giotto uses 2 point perspective to show the steps that the two men are seated on. Notice how the lines on right side of the steps go to a vanishing point to the right, while the lines of the steps on the left go to the 2nd vanishing point.


Depth the illusion of real space on a flat surface
Foreshortening to portray or show (an object or view) as closer than it is or as having less depth or distance, as an effect of perspective or the angle of vision.
Perspective a system of drawing that gives the illusion of depth on a flat surface using parallel lines that converge at one or more vanishing points.
Vanishing point in perspective, an imaginary point or points on the horizon where parallel lines recede and converge.
Converge in perspective, lines coming together at the vanishing point.
Horizon a horizontal line dividing the sky & ground, or the wall & floor (interior).
Overlapping placing one object over another to give the illusion of space.
Scale the relationship of size when the same object is close, and far away.
Texture an element of design that refers to the surface, ex rough, smooth, fuzzy.

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